We can use dental composite to restructure and redesign the way your teeth look. If you have a chipped tooth that you’re self-conscious about, we can restore the tooth to its original form. Want a more dramatic change? We can transform the way your smile looks through adding composite build-ups to the front of the teeth.

What is composite build-up?

Dental composite is a special resin made from a combination of plastic and glass. It can be colour-matched to natural teeth, providing a perfect aesthetic solution to repairing teeth. It can be added to teeth directly, building up the shape for broken teeth or covering any blemishes that are affecting your smile.

Why have composite?

Unlike other types of restorative and cosmetic treatments, there is no need to remove any of the tooth to make space for the restoration.

The treatment is quick. There is no need to take impressions or have restorations built in the lab. Everything happens in our practice.

As we can match the composite to your tooth colour, it’s a very aesthetic treatment.

Looking after your restored tooth

Composite is invulnerable to bacteria and decay, but the natural tooth underneath isn’t. Great oral hygiene at home will keep your tooth lasting for as long as possible.

You may require maintenance on these restorations, particularly if you like to drink tea or coffee or enjoy other food and drinks that stain your teeth. This can easily be monitored at your regular check-ups.

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West End Dental Clinic, 189 Great Western Road, Aberdeen, AB10 6PS.

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